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AIVR8511 датащи(PDF) 3 Page - Aplus Intergrated Circuits |
AIVR8511 датащи(HTML) 3 Page - Aplus Intergrated Circuits |
3 / 7 page Integrated Circuits Inc. aIVR8511 Oct 06, 2009 4 PIN CONFIGURATION PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin Names Description VOUT1 PWM output to drive speaker directly VOUT2_COUT PWM output or COUT DAC output select by programmable option VSS Power Ground OSC Oscillator input VDDA Positive Power Supply VDD Positive Power Supply PB0~PB3 Programmable I/O port B PC0~PC3 Programmable I/O port C PD0~PD2 Programmable I/O port D RSTB Reset pin, Low active Note: PB, PC and PD ports are software programmable I/O pins that can be set to different configurations such as pure input, input with pull-up, input with pull-down and output. The programmable I/O pins set up will take effect immediately after chip RESET is applied. Pins for memory programming are: VDD, VDDA, VSS, PB0, PB1, OSC, VOUT2 and RSTB. |
Аналогичный номер детали - AIVR8511 |
Аналогичное описание - AIVR8511 |
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