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TPS658620ZQZT датащи(PDF) 8 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS658620ZQZT датащи(HTML) 8 Page - Texas Instruments |
8 / 104 page 2.4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC TPS658620 Advanced Power Management Unit SLVS993 – OCTOBER 2009 www.ti.com over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT POWER PATH CURRENT LIMIT AND PROTECTION FUNCTIONS –40 °C < T A < 85°C 90 100 Selected Input switch not in dropout. I 2C IUSB100 mA settings: USBMODE=HI, USBLIMIT=LO –25 °C < T A < 85°C 92 100 Selected input current limit, applies to USB input only Selected Input switch not in dropout. I 2C settings: USBMODE=HI, IUSB500 435 500 mA USBLIMIT=HI Input current limit range, AC input 2.75 A Selected input current limit, applies to AC input Total accuracy, relative to IINLIM(TYP) –20% 20% IINLIM Input current limit range, USB input configured with USBMODE=LO 2.11 A Selected input current limit, applies to USB input Total accuracy, relative to IINLIM(TYP) –12.5% 12.5% Load at SYS pin: 80% of current limit value to 120% of regulation value TOVSH Input current limit transient time (IINLIM, IUSB100 or IUSB500). Time measured from load transient to input current 20 µs within regulation limits. Load at SYS pin: 80% of current limit value to 120% of regulation value IOVSHPKUSB Input current limit overshoot (IINLIM, IUSB100 or IUSB500), 20% t < TOVSH VSH(SYS) SYS power path Short Circuit detection threshold All power path switches set to OFF if V(SYS) < VSH(SYS) 1.6 1.8 2.0 V RFLT(USB) SYS short circuit recovery pull-up resistor V(SYS) < VSH(SYS), internal resistor connected from USB to SYS 550 Ω RFLT(AC) SYS short circuit recovery pull-up resistor V(SYS) < VSH(SYS), internal resistor connected from AC to SYS 550 Ω IBATSYS Battery switch over-current detection 2.18 2.54 A Short circuit detection blanked for TDGL(BATSYS), measured from batt 100 110 120 ms switch: OFF->ON or initial sys power path enable TDGL(BATSYS) Battery switch over-current detection delay Battery switch already turned on or sys power path enabled 1 ms Battery switch over-current recovery pull-up current V(BAT) –V(SYS) > VOC(SYS), internal current source connected from BAT to IFLT(SYS) 30 mA source SYS VSUP(SYS) Supplement detection threshold Battery switch ON at V(BAT)-V(SYS) > VSUP(SYS) 40 mV VSUPNDT(SYS) Supplement mode not detected threshold Battery switch OFF at V(BAT)-V(SYS)<VSUPNDT(SYS) 7 mV POWER PATH INTEGRATED MOSFETS CHARACTERISTICS VACDO = V(AC)-V(SYS); V(AC)=4V AC input current limit set to 2.0A (typ) VACDO AC switch dropout voltage 150 mV IO(SYS) = 1.0A I(SYS)+I(BAT)= 0.425A 240 VUSBDO = V(USB)-V(SYS); VUSBDO USB switch dropout voltage mV V(USB)=4.6V I(SYS)+I(BAT)= 85mA 240 VBATDODCH = V(BAT)-V(SYS), V(BAT)=3V, VBATDODCH Battery Switch dropout voltage, discharge or charge 40 150 mV I(BAT)= –1A POWER PATH TIMING CHARACTERISTICS TSW(ACBAT) Switching from AC to BAT No USB, AC power removed 150 µs TSW(USBBAT) Switching from USB to BAT No AC, USB power removed 150 µs POWER PATH DISCHARGE SWITCHES IDCH(AC) AC pin discharge current Always ON, V(AC) > 1 V 100 µA IDCH(USB) USB pin discharge current Always ON, V(USB) > 1 V 100 µA SM0, SM1, SM2 DC/DC CONVERTERS Converter turned OFF at V(VIN_SMn) < VSMUV 2.0 V Low input voltage detection threshold, input voltage VSMUV decreasing Hysteresis , rising input voltage 100 mV High side MOSFET on-resistance VIN_SMx = 3.6V, 100% duty cycle 200 m Ω RDS(ON) Low side MOSFET on-resistance VIN_SMx = 3.6V, 0% duty cycle 200 m Ω ILK_HS High side leakage current 1 µA TJ = 85°C ILK_LS Low side leakage current 1 µA SM0, SM1 1550 1860 ILIM High side and low side current limit 2.9V ≤ V IN_SMx ≤ 5.5V mA SM2 (snubber enabled) 1550 1860 fSW Oscillator frequency PWM mode 2.025 2.25 2.475 MHz Power fault detection, Voltage decreasing, referenced to programmed –13.0% –10% –7.0% output voltage VSMPG Power good threshold Hysteresis, voltage increasing, referenced to VSMPG 5% Electrical Specifications 8 Submit Documentation Feedback |
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