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TPS658620ZQZT датащи(PDF) 54 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS658620ZQZT датащи(HTML) 54 Page - Texas Instruments |
54 / 104 page 3.54 INTEGRATED SUPPLIES – ENABLE CONTROL, DVM CONTROL 3.54.1 DVM AND NON-DVM SUPPLIES 3.54.2 DVM AND NON-DVM SUPPLY ENABLE TPS658620 Advanced Power Management Unit SLVS993 – OCTOBER 2009 www.ti.com The TPS658620 has two types of voltage control for the integrated supplies: 1. DVM supplies: SM0, SM1, LDO2 and LDO4 are DVM supplies with dedicated register sets that enable a controlled transition from an initial voltage to a final voltage. The initial voltage, final voltage, and voltage transition start time are set via I2C. SM0 and SM1 have I2C programmable slew rate. 2. NON-DVM supplies: LDO0, LDO1, LDO3, LDO5, LDO6, LDO7, LDO8, LDO9, SM2 and RTC_OUT outputs can be changed, but without slew rate and transition start time control. The output of these supplies will be changed to the new value as soon as TPS658620 sends the ACK of the I2C command setting the new output voltage. All the integrated supplies can be turned on/off by RAM enable bits. All the supplies (with exception of LDO5, LDO9 and RTC_OUT LDO's) have two enable bits on distinct registers (registers 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14). A supply will be enabled when ANY of its enable bits, in the registers below, are set to 1. Each supply will be disabled when ALL of the enable bits for that supply are set to 0. For example: SM0 enabled: SM0_ENA=1 OR SM0_ENB=1, SM0 disabled: SM0_ENA=0 AND SM0_ENB=0 Table 3-18. SM0-2, LDO0-9 Control SUPPLYENA [Addr 0x10] Defaults in BOLD Bit Number B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Bit Name RSVD107 RSVD106 RSVD105 RSVD104 LDO2_ENA1 LDO2_ENA0 SM0_ENA SM1_ENA LDO2 LDO2 SM0 SM1 Function NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL SUPPLYENB [Addr 0x11] Defaults in BOLD Bit Number B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Bit Name RSVD117 RSVD116 RSVD115 RSVD114 LDO2_ENB1 LDO2_ENB0 SM0_ENB SM1_ENB LDO2 LDO2 SM0 SM1 Function NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL SUPPLYENC [Addr 0x12] Bit Number B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Bit Name SM2_ONC LDO8_ONC LDO7_ONC LDO6_ONC LDO4_ONC LDO3_ONC LDO1_ONC LDO0_ONC SM2 LDO8 LDO7 LDO6 LDO4 LDO3 LDO1 LDO0 Function CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL SUPPLYEND [Addr 0x13] Bit Number B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Bit Name SM2_OND LDO8_OND LDO7_OND LDO6_OND LDO4_OND LDO3_OND LDO1_OND LDO0_OND SM2 LDO8 LDO7 LDO6 LDO4 LDO3 LDO1 LDO0 Function CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL SUPPLYENE [Addr 0x14] Defaults in BOLD Bit Number B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 SLEEP Bit Name LDO9_ON LDO5_ON SYSINEN HOTDLY SETNORMAL EXITSLREQ SOFT RST MODE SYS_IN LOW SET SET SLEEP LDO9 LDO5 SOFTWARE VOLTAGE HOT RESET TPS658620 TPS658620 REQUEST Function ON/OFF ON/OFF RESET SETS SLEEP DEGLITCH IN SLEEP IN NORMAL EXIT CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL MODE MODE MODE CONTROL NORMAL GO TO 5 µsec min, When 0 OFF OFF DISABLED NOT ACTIVE MODE NOT SLEEP at NOT ACTIVE 16 µsec max SET T>Twait DETAILED DESCRIPTION 54 Submit Documentation Feedback |
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