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TPS658620ZQZT датащи(PDF) 43 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS658620ZQZT датащи(HTML) 43 Page - Texas Instruments |
43 / 104 page 3.32 CHARGER CONTROL LOGIC AND OPERATING MODES 3.33 CHARGE SUSPEND 3.34 CHARGE TERMINATION TERM TERM ISET K I R = (3-3) TPS658620 Advanced Power Management Unit www.ti.com SLVS993 – OCTOBER 2009 Table 3-10. Battery Charge Current BAT PIN VOLTAGE BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT < VLOWBAT IO(PRECHG) > VLOWBAT IO(BAT) In LDO mode, both the thermal loop and DPPM loop are also enabled. These loops, when active, limit the current available at the BAT pin. The BAT pin voltage will collapse if the charge current available is lower than the current required to run subsystems connected to the BAT pin. The battery tracking function is disabled when the thermistor is not detected; the BAT pin will, as a result, track the SM2 output voltage when V(SM2) is set below VO(BATREG). The charger control logic monitors system parameters and control signals to define when the charger is enabled. The table below lists the charger operating modes. Note that when the charger is set to OFF all timers are reset. The charge is enabled by setting bit CHGON to 1 in register CHG2. The timer fault and termination detection events are latched internally to the charger control logic, and after that the charger is set to OFF. The only way to reset a timer fault and termination detection is to start a new charge cycle. Table 3-11. Charger Mode Control CHARGER CHARGE TIMER PACK TPS658620 INPUT POWER SM2 CHARGE TERM CHARGER THSHUT SUSPEND FAULT TEMP MODE DETECTED MODE(1) ENABLED DETECTED MODE DETECTED CMD DETECTED FAULT UVLO X X X X X X X X OFF NO X X X X X X X OFF YES OFF X X X X X X OFF YES ON YES X X X X X OFF YES ON NO NO X X X X OFF NOT UVLO YES ON NO YES NO NO NO NO ON YES ON NO YES NO YES X X OFF YES ON NO YES NO X X YES OFF YES ON NO YES YES NO X NO SUSPEND YES ON NO YES NO NO YES NO SUSPEND (1) When SM2 is not configured as the charger pre-regulator the SM2 mode does not affect the charger mode. The charge may be suspended anytime by setting CHSUSP to 1 in register CHG1 or when the pack temperature is out of range and I2C control bit TSBYP is 0. This will disable the charger stage and hold the safety timers at their current count. Normal operation resumes when a temperature fault is not detected. The TPS658620 monitors the charging current during the voltage regulation phase. Charge is terminated when the charge current is lower than an internal threshold, set to 10% (typ) of the fast charge current rate. The termination point applies to both AC and USB charging, and it can be calculated as shown in Equation 3-3. where KTERM is the termination constant detection factor. The termination current may be scaled using I2C register CHG3 bits ITERM[1:0]. Submit Documentation Feedback DETAILED DESCRIPTION 43 |
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